The Glycemic Index tells the difference between Bad Sugar and a Good Sugar

Carbohydrates are one of the best sources of energy for our body. The simplest sugar is a glucose, which is:

  • the universal fuel for most of the organs and tissues in the body
  • the only source of fuel for the brain and red blood cells
  • the main source of energy for our muscles during intense exercise.

However, products containing easily digestible sugar, reach the bloodstream in short time and raise the level of glucose rapidly.

Here comes the Glycemic Index, the best dietary tool that allows you to differentiate between good and bad carbs.

Carbohydrates with low glycemic index (55 and below) cause a controlled increase in blood glucose levels, providing the body with energy for longer. Where are those carbohydrates? In most vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grain products. These products also are rich in carbohydrates, but complex carbohydrates are being absorbed slowly into the bloodstream during digestion.

Every time you deliver products containing easily digestible sugar to your body,
a pancreas reacts in increased secretion of insulin - hormone that makes the glucose reaches the muscle and liver cells.
When these " glucose warehouses " are full, excess glucose is retained in the body as a fat.
When the excess fat is deposited on the abdomen, around the organs, their cells become less sensitive to insulin.

The result is that when we eat something, the excess of glucose, rather than being absorbed by cells, it remains in the bloodstream.
Too much glucose in the blood is dangerous, because it can lead to  diabetes.

Carbohydrates with high glycemic index (70 and above) cause a rapid increase in blood glucose levels, which results in the release of large amounts of insulin, the hormone responsible for the absorption of glucose from the bloodstream into the cells. Following, rapid decrease in blood glucose causes hunger. This group includes highly processed food products that contain fast absorbing sugar for example white bread, white pasta and rice, cakes, ice cream, chocolate bars, candy, popcorn, beer, sugary sodas.

More about eating right: What kind of fat will keep you fit and healthy

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