Weight loss Calculator gives the idea of:

  • how many calories

    You should eat every day to lose weight

  • how long it will take

    to reach Your weight loss goal

Weight loss Calculator

Calculate Your individual daily calorie limit, You need to stay in to lose weight:

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O kalkulatorze odchudzania

Weight loss Calculator

Find out how many calories You should eat every day when trying to lose weight.
This calculator will also check if your weight loss goal is possible to be accomplished in the time you assumed. In addition, you'll get  few tips that will advise you how to achieve your dream weight and perfect body.

How does this calculator work?

Weight loss Calculator takes your Total Metabolic Rate in to account and calculates your individual caloric deficit you need to create in order to lose weight in the assumed time.
A caloric deficit is a shortage in the amount of calories consumed (or an increase in the amount of calories lost) relative to the average amount of calories that your body regularly needs.

The calculations are estimated, but it is an excellent starting point when planning a healthy diet.  You'll learn how much you can eat without worrying that you exceed your calorie limit.

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