Do you know how many calories your body needs each day?
Basal Metabolic Rate
Total Metabolic Rate
Basal Metabolic Rate
is a minimum calorie requirement needed to sustain basic life processes of the body, such as blood circulation, respiration, body temperature, digestion, growth and repair of cells, etc.
Basal Metabolic Rate mainly depends on age, height, weight, and typically comprises from 66 to 75 percent of the daily calorie requirement.
Total Metabolic Rate
It covers the total amount of calories, the body's needs daily. Total Metabolic Rate takes into account both basic vital processes and your daily activity.
Harris-Benedict Formula allows you to calculate daily calorie needs depending on the individual level of activity and lifestyle:
- Inactive lifestyle (lack of exercise): Basic Metabolic Rate x 1.2
- Low activity lifestyle (light exercise):Basic Metabolic Rate x 1.375
- Moderate activity lifestyle (exercise 3-5 times a week): Basic Metabolic Rate x 1.55
- Active lifestyle (exercise 6-7 times a week):Basic Metabolic Rate x 1.725
- Very active lifestyle (daily exercise and physical work): Basic Metabolic Rate x 1.9