
Scrambled eggs wit tomato and feta cheese

162 kcal
15 minutes
1 servings
Very Cheap

Really tasty scrambled eggs :)


This is the list of ingredients to prepare a portion size of 286 grams.

  • 3 eggs
  • 1 plum tomato
  • 1 tsp of olive oil
  • 4 cubes of Feta cheese


  1.      Heat a pan with an olive oil,
  2.      Add 1 chopped tomato
  3.      In a bowl, mix the eggs, feta cheese and a pinch of oregano, salt  and black pepper
  4.      When the tomato is already soft, add the mixture of egg and cheese
  5.      Cook until the desired consistency
159 kcal
10 grams
3 grams
12 grams
0 grams
Nutrition Values [g]
Energy [calories]

You can find a detailed list of the calorie count and nutrition values of the individual ingredients in 100 portion of the following recipe. If you want to modify this recipe, you can easily calculate the exact nutrition values of your new recipe using the Calorie Calculator. Calculate calories of the modified recipe (per 100 serving): Scrambled eggs wit tomato and feta cheese »

% CalorieCalc.net
Calories [cal] Mass [g] Protein [g] Fat [g] Carbohydrates [g]
Egg raw whole 75 52.45 6.56 5.61 0.38
Tomato 6 21.68 0.2 0.11 1.13
Olive oil 13 1.4 0 1.39 0
Feta 65 24.48 3.48 5.21 1
Summary: 159 100 10.23 12.32 2.51
454 kcal
29 grams
7 grams
35 grams
0 grams
Nutrition Values [g]
Energy [calories]

You can find a detailed list of the calorie count and nutrition values of the individual ingredients in 286 portion of the following recipe. If you want to modify this recipe, you can easily calculate the exact nutrition values of your new recipe using the Calorie Calculator. Calculate calories of the modified recipe (per 286 serving): Scrambled eggs wit tomato and feta cheese »

% CalorieCalc.net
Calories [cal] Mass [g] Protein [g] Fat [g] Carbohydrates [g]
Egg raw whole 215 150 18.75 16.05 1.08
Tomato 18 62 0.56 0.31 3.22
Olive oil 36 4 0 3.98 0.01
Feta 185 70 9.95 14.9 2.86
Summary: 454 286 29.26 35.24 7.18

See also


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