
Pita with ricotta cheese and blackberries

156 kcal
15 minutes
1 servings
Very Cheap

Interesting and tasty snack.


This is the list of ingredients to prepare a portion size of 194 grams.

  • 1 whole-wheat pita
  • 3 tbsp of ricotta cheese
  • 1/2 cup of blackberries


Preheat oven to 350 °F. Place pita on a baking sheet in the oven. Bake for 10 minutes, until it becomes crisp as toast. Spread the ricotta evenly. Add blackberries. Place pita back again on a baking tray and bake for 5 minutes.

147 kcal
7 grams
23 grams
3 grams
4 grams
Nutrition Values [g]
Energy [calories]

You can find a detailed list of the calorie count and nutrition values of the individual ingredients in 100 portion of the following recipe. If you want to modify this recipe, you can easily calculate the exact nutrition values of your new recipe using the Calorie Calculator. Calculate calories of the modified recipe (per 100 serving): Pita with ricotta cheese and blackberries »

% CalorieCalc.net
Calories [cal] Mass [g] Protein [g] Fat [g] Carbohydrates [g]
Bread whole-wheat pita 88 32.99 3.23 0.86 18.14
Cheese (ricotta, part skim milk) 43 30.93 3.4 2.47 1.55
Blackberries 16 36.08 0.43 0.14 3.5
Summary: 147 100 7.07 3.48 23.19
283 kcal
14 grams
45 grams
7 grams
8 grams
Nutrition Values [g]
Energy [calories]

You can find a detailed list of the calorie count and nutrition values of the individual ingredients in 194 portion of the following recipe. If you want to modify this recipe, you can easily calculate the exact nutrition values of your new recipe using the Calorie Calculator. Calculate calories of the modified recipe (per 194 serving): Pita with ricotta cheese and blackberries »

% CalorieCalc.net
Calories [cal] Mass [g] Protein [g] Fat [g] Carbohydrates [g]
Bread whole-wheat pita 170 64 6.27 1.66 35.2
Cheese (ricotta, part skim milk) 83 60 6.6 4.8 3
Blackberries 30 70 0.84 0.28 6.79
Summary: 283 194 13.71 6.74 44.99

See also


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