
Baked salmon and potatoes with rosemary

154 kcal
30 minutes
3 servings
Very Cheap

Delicious dinner with baked rosemary salmon and potatoes.


This is the list of ingredients to prepare 3 portions size of 212 grams.

  • 2 Salmon fillets
  • 2 cups of diced potatoes
  • 1/2 tbsp of olive oil
  • 3 tbsp of fresh rosemary
  • 2 garlic cloves


List of ingredients:
2 garlic cloves
2 sprigs fresh rosemary, about 1 tablespoon chopped
2 Salmon fillets
1/2 teaspoon of sea salt
1/2 teaspoon of ground black pepper
1/2 tbsp of olive oil
1/2 cup sauerkraut
a method of preparing
Preheat oven to 400 ° F.
Peel and chop the garlic and rosemary.
Cut potatoes
Put salmon and potatoes on a baking tray.
Sprinkle salmon and potatoes with salt, pepper, rosemary and garlic.
Place into the oven and bake the salmon for 12 minutes.
After removing salmon, bake potatoes for about 15 minutes more.
152 kcal
11 grams
9 grams
8 grams
0 grams
Nutrition Values [g]
Energy [calories]

You can find a detailed list of the calorie count and nutrition values of the individual ingredients in 100 portion of the following recipe. If you want to modify this recipe, you can easily calculate the exact nutrition values of your new recipe using the Calorie Calculator. Calculate calories of the modified recipe (per 100 serving): Baked salmon and potatoes with rosemary »

% CalorieCalc.net
Calories [cal] Mass [g] Protein [g] Fat [g] Carbohydrates [g]
Salmon, fresh 101 49.92 9.93 6.79 0
Potatoes 41 47.1 0.8 0.05 9.37
Olive oil 10 1.1 0 1.09 0
Summary: 152 98.12 10.74 7.93 9.37
328 kcal
23 grams
21 grams
17 grams
0 grams
Nutrition Values [g]
Energy [calories]

You can find a detailed list of the calorie count and nutrition values of the individual ingredients in 212 portion of the following recipe. If you want to modify this recipe, you can easily calculate the exact nutrition values of your new recipe using the Calorie Calculator. Calculate calories of the modified recipe (per 212 serving): Baked salmon and potatoes with rosemary »

% CalorieCalc.net
Calories [cal] Mass [g] Protein [g] Fat [g] Carbohydrates [g]
Salmon, fresh 214 105.83 21.06 14.39 0
Potatoes 87 99.84 1.7 0.1 19.87
Olive oil 21 2.33 0 2.32 0
Rosemary fresh 3 2 0.07 0.12 0.41
Garlic 3 2 0.12 0.01 0.58
Summary: 328 212 22.95 16.94 20.86

See also


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